Monday, May 26, 2008


So I've been walking around telling everyone that I would keep a blog on my upcoming adventures. Well, I'm finally getting to it now :) It is Memorial Day weekend and I'm slowly getting ready for the big move. How did I get here? If you're really interested, read on. I am part of the LDRP (Leadership Development Rotational Program) at Medtronic . We have two 12 month assignments. My first assignment is with the Neuromoudulation business in Minneapolis. I started back in May, 2007. Around October 2007, we started the selection process for our second assignment. Right before the holidays, I found out that I received my first pick - the global assignment to Shanghai, China and Tokyo, Japan. Yippee!

After a few days of excitement, it was back to work. Around March, the relocation process started. Global assignments group, visa processing, housing, movers, relo consultants, cultural orientation, language orientation, tax consultants and I'm sure I'm missing a few more groups on this list. Part of the relocation process is managed by a vendor in the US and the other part is managed by our HR group in Asia-Pacific. The first few days, I would contact the US relo consultants for Asia managed items. After this occurred a few times, I started to keep a spreadsheet. I know - I'm a genius.

Now, I'm getting close to the move date: June 23rd. Last week, the movers came and kindly explained to me that I have 12-15 medium boxes allotted for this move and I'm over 10 boxes! I know, I know, you're probably saying, "What are you packing? You're entire house?" I'm merely packing all my clothes, shoes, and personal products. And no, I don't have 100 pairs of shoes (for all my smart a** friends). Since I'll be there for 4 full seasons, I need to pack for 4 full seasons. Worried? Of course not - I went to Macy's and purchased the biggest piece of luggage I could find... with the 'expansion' capacity :) Then, I did my second round of Spring cleaning and donated a few more items. Bill might not be able to bring ALL his toys (computer, xbox, etc) but he'll live. I also want to make sure I leave enough room for the shipment back too! Who am I kidding if I said, "I won't buy anything" hehehe

This week, I have a whole day of cultural orientation and a visit at the doc's to make sure all my immunizations are in check. I also found out that there are a selection of physicians that are BCBS in-network at both Shanghai and Tokyo. Check - one less thing to worry about :)

In the next few weeks I'll look forward to renewing my driver' license, processing my visa, starting the packing list and getting ready. Bill is coming in September so he's got a few items he needs to attend to before he leaves, most importantly, dropping the plants off at Nicole's. Although she did indicate that Prosperous looks a little high-maintenance.

Until now, I've been busy with making sure everything is arranged, organized, and processed. A few days ago, it finally set in that I'm leaving and won't see Bill for 3 months :( I'll miss him! I'll also miss my family, friends and colleagues. Thank goodness for skype.

I think this is a pretty long 'welcome' post. I plan to journal my assignment as much as I can without all the boring details. And of course, there will be lots of pictures and funny stories :)

Until next time, ac