Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sherman like new!

After my last post about my car, I decided to write a formal letter of complaint to the General Manager and Volvo. Right as I was completing the letter, the General Manager gave me a call. He received our survey and apologized for our last service visit. In addition, he also extended the VIP service to our other car. In about an hour, someone picked up my car, dropped off the loaner and spent two days fixing the problem. Turned out to be both the ECT sensor and battery. I picked it up last night, cleaned, washed and shiny like new. When I started her up - she was her old self. I was pretty impressed with the follow up by the General Manager and they picked up the repair costs too!

I guess it does pay to be a loyal customer and have my car regularly serviced. I plan on driving sherman for another 90k!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Calling all mechanics

I need to start off this posting by saying - I love my car. I have a 2003 Volvo S40 and bought it off the showroom floor (another long story). Since then, I've religiously brought it into the dealer for regular service. Last month, "Sherman" (named after the Sherman tank) went in for her 90k appt. I mentioned to the dealer that she was having a hard time starting, cranking for a few seconds before turning over. The service rep told me that they ran a computer diagnostic as well as a "visual" scan but didn't find anything wrong. After a little back and forth, which he obviously did not enjoy, he gave me the options of (1) changing everything that is a "could be" factor or (2) wait until it completely won't start and bring it in. REALLY? ARE YOU SERIOUS? I cannot believe this was the response I received. Obviously, my car's health is not life or death but I love my car - I love how it's been running like a charm for all these years.

Just so you know how much I love my car, a few months ago, Bill's car "the beast" finally retired. Being a semi-spoiled brat, I told Bill he can have my car and I can get a new car! We did end up with a new car and after I drove it for a week, I gave it to Bill and asked for Sherman back.

So... if any of you know a mechanic that can problem shoot above and beyond "running an electronic diagnosis" please let me know!!