Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hello 2010!

2009 flew by! It's been really, really cold in MN so we decided to head to warmer weather. For the holidays, we went back to CT and had the traditional Christmas celebration with the Camerato's (my aunt, uncle & cousins). You're probably thinking... CT... warmer weather... YES. It was in the 40's in CT and -10 in Minneapolis. I almost broke out my shorts. Okay, maybe not. Christmas was filled with gifts, food, fun and laughter. But, all good things must come to an end - when we arrived in Minny, we were greeted with a foot of snow in the driveway, coated with a few inches of icy rain. MMM, lovely. I felt like I burned off all of the extra calories consumed in the past few days during our hour+ shoveling fiesta, but I probably just burned off enough calories to compensate for 1 out of the 3 cannoli's I ate. HEHEHE

My New Year's Resolution:

Instead of going for those very far-fetched ones (lose 50 pounds, climb Mt Everest). I think I'll try for more realistic goals.

1. Be more open-minded
2. Be more aware of my own bias
3. Try to do a better job at staying in touch w/ friends & family
4. Eat more vegetables

That's all for now. We'll see how it goes :)