Friday, June 18, 2010

My bragging days are over....

Since I’m so in love with myself, you’ve probably heard me brag about numerous things… one in particular, my 20/15 vision. Well, a 40 minute routine eye exam this past Saturday certainly changed things. Last year, my doctor told me I had 20/15 with a very slight prescription for reading / computer glasses. I didn’t really understand how I can be 20/15 but still have a slight prescription – then again, I’m not an optometrist. I decided to forego the reading / computer glasses since I felt fine.

A few months ago, I don’t know how it came up but Bill thought I should try on his glasses while we were watching TV. “WOW – the colors are so much brighter… I felt like I put on a pair of Hi-Def glasses” Needless to say, I thought it was time to fess up to my need for reading / computer glasses (aka: glasses for the aging). People might argue this by saying “but I had glasses when I was a little kid”. This is different. If you’ve always needed glasses, it’s who you are. But if you need glasses mid-age, it’s who you’ve become… aging. HAHAHA

To be honest, I was kind of excited about getting a pair of spectacles. When Bill had to get his a few years back, I tried on a few and liked how it looked. First stop – the optical section right at the doctor’s office. The salesperson was of little help, picking out some outrageously ugly frames. I explained, “my face is really round, none of these are fitting me properly – do you have different sizes?” He looked at me like I had three eyes and requested 1.5 pairs of glasses. No worries, I’ll head over to another place with a larger selection. Last night, Bill and I headed over to PearleVision. Not embarrassed by my very round face, I said the same thing to the salesperson and asked if he had any suggestions/ recommendations. His response, “well, we have the frames organized by designer so you’ll just need to try them out – here’s the women’s section, I wouldn’t suggest going into the children section”. REALLY? Thanks for pointing out the blatantly obvious Mr. Salesperson. I must have mistaken you for someone that might know a bit more than I in regards to glasses… since you work here and all. After trying on several pairs, I strolled over to the men’s side with the thought that frames might be wider? Our super helpful sales person says, “Oh yeah, try out the guys, they might be bigger, no shame in it”. Thanks for the encouragement, if there was a store for the round & wide, I would be there already. At this point, I was thinking that I might not really need glasses.

Last stop – Lenscrafters on the other side of the mall. I walked in… need frames, round face, etc,etc… at this point, I wasn’t expecting much. My back-up plans was to head out to Cali or NY, where there are more Asians, more rounder faces and maybe more frame options. Luckily, I found a salesperson that actually knew what he was doing – picked out 3 that fit perfectly and made some really good recommendations. He was very knowledgeable and I’ll be getting my very first pair of glasses in 10 days. Good bye fuzzy letters, hello Hi Def eyes!!