Monday, November 2, 2009

Another Birthday

On Oct 26th Anne and I went to St. Cloud to celebrate my father's birthday. My mother wanted to do a surprise birthday party and invited a bunch of his friends and family. Looking at the picture my mother is on the left and my father is on the right (the man in the middle is my dad's childhood friend). Anne, enjoys baking almost as much as my family and I like eating her baked goodies (which is a lot, in case that statement was ambiguous). She decided to make a burger cake, because his last name is Berger, and also cookies that looked like severed fingers (my father has a history of pretending to sever a finger on April Fools Day). After arriving we discovered that my mother had picked up a burger cake at a bakery. So basically Anne's cake and the store bought cake were right next to each other which inevitably resulted in comparisons, mostly from young children. Since Anne and I don't have and usually don't spend much time around children we forgot how brutally honest and socially unaware their comments/actions tend to be. Fortunately for Anne everyone thought her cake was much better to the point where the store bought cake wasn't even cut to serve. Sorry store baker.