Saturday, June 28, 2008

Don't take the flyers

It's Saturday today and I decided to do some sightseeing. First stop, Pearl TV tower. The front desk told me that it's one stop on the metro, about 20 minutes walking. Why not walk I thought, it's a misty day, not too hot. I walked and walked and walked. All of a sudden, 20 minutes seem like forever. Eventually, I got there and it was 40 minutes later. That's probably a combination of checking out the sights and getting a little lost because I went off the main road. When I arrived at the Pearl, there were a lot of people handing out flyers and cards, advertising their business. There were 3 girls in front of me and one guy insisted on giving this girl a card. Not only did she didn't take it, she took a swing at him. Then, his other card handing friends chuckled and said, "Did you get to touch her (I'll call them ta-ta's)?"

Wow - I get it now. A lot of these guys try to brush up against your ta-ta's when they are giving you these flyers. You're probably saying, "are you serious?" Yes, I am serious and I had no idea until I heard them talking about it! This is when I had an a-ha moment. Earlier, I talked about people looking at me funny, well, I'm beginning to notice that sometimes, it's not just eye contact. Gross!!