Thursday, June 19, 2008

Moving Day

Today is moving day. The movers showed up bright and early. They came in with a variety of cardboard boxes in all shapes and sizes. In the past fews days, I've been organizing my 'piles of stuff' so I'll be able to find everything once I get there.

(picture of the final load)

When the move rep. came a month ago, we were over capacity by about 50%. After the packers finished, we were 50% under capacity! Right away, I thought to myself, 'sweet, I can buy a LOT when I'm gone' :)

I watched as they meticulously wrapped each pair of my shoes in wrapping paper and jotted down the serial numbers to all our electronics. This is why they are the professionals. If it was up to me, I would've just tossed the shoes in the box and called it a day.

As you can tell, this picture represents priorities of Anne and Bill's packing. On the left - the box indicates "shoes", Anne of course. On the right - the box indicates "X Box" hmmm, would that be Bill?