Monday, January 12, 2009

The Recap

Ohayō gozaimasu (good morning) bloggers. Here is a quick recap our time since we left Shanghai. Yes, I know Anne mentioned this already, but I wanted to mention it too. Besides, this keeps you from working for a couple more minutes (my apologies for those of you who were doing something more entertaining than work). We left Shanghai at 9:30am on 12/14. We landed in Minneapolis at 12:30pm on 12/14. Yes that’s right, only 3 hours past… strange it seems like the 2 flights were a lot longer than that. When we left Shanghai the temperature was 50F (sorry Celsius folks, I am still no good at conversions). Twelve hours after we arrived in Minneapolis it was -20F. It stayed that temperature for 90% of our stay. It also snowed just about every day which accumulated at least a half a foot of snow (about 16cm). Being home was GREAT (well minus the 4 jackets we wore at all times)! It was nice seeing the family and eating high calorie US food again. We left Minneapolis on 12/24.

We arrived in Connecticut (via New York) on the same day. Funny, it took the same amount of hours to get to Minneapolis from Shanghai. To our relief it was around 40F for our stay. The Camerato’s (Anne’s CT family) are always very entertaining. My stay was filled video games, free family entertainment and with delicious east coast foods (yes, if you haven’t figured it out by now, our lives seem to always revolve around food). We left CT on 12/31 at 10:30am and landed in Tokyo at 5:30pm on 1/01 (and you thought you had a long commute to your New Years Party).