Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Women - more alike than different

Here is a short-list of similarities & differences to make you feel right at home, or totally out of your element…

S – No matter how many stalls there are in the women’s restroom, there’s never enough. (2 in Shanghai and 6 in Tokyo – at work)
D – US: what I would call “Typical restroom usage” Tokyo: Lots of flossing and brushing. Shanghai: Washing lunch containers

S – Women love shoes
D – US: women tend to wear walking shoes and then change to their heels at work (at least in New York) Tokyo: leather boots and high-heel shoes, grey, black and brown, worn like they are just as comfortable as Nike’s. Shanghai: the one that really sticks out in my mind is clear heels and clear tops… like the glass shoe that Cinderella wore

S – The cosmetic counters swamp the first floor of every department store
D – US: bronzer for a tan, healthy look. Shanghai: Whitening lotion, mask, toner, cream, etc, so you can look ivory white. Tokyo: On top of all whitening products, there’s also whitening liquids for you to drink. I guess you become whiter, from inside out!

S – Always need to lose a few pounds
D – US: well, a lot of us do actually need to lose a few pounds. Tokyo: the diet aisle takes up more space than the candy bar aisle. Shanghai: Most girls look like a size 0 but still dieting!

S – Cramped subways during rush hour
D – US: It’s tight, but I still have circulation to my fingers and toes. Tokyo: Cramped, but enough room for women to get groped by men, thus the creation of women-only cars during rush hour. Shanghai: Once, my feet weren’t even touching the ground.