Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Goodbye Wood Peckers

One of our many home improvements this summer was new windows and siding. This is mostly an FYI to friends and family who plan on visiting us so they don't get confused when they can't find our dark brown house (its a light tan color now). I know it probably doesn't sound like the best time to do a major home improvement project when only one of us was working, but with tax credits, city incentives, and good connections it worked out well for us.

At this point you are probably wondering what the title has to do with the entry, well here comes the connection. We used to have cedar shakes that were dark brown in color. As a result wood peckers would mistake our house for a tree and peck holes into the shakes leaving it quite unsightly in places. Not to mention it is pretty irritating to be woken up on the weekends by a wood pecker hammering its beak into your bedroom wall. After we got the siding it was nice to faintly hear the wood peckers moving on to other houses in our neighborhood (sorry neighbors!)