Monday, September 21, 2009

Home Improvements Finally Ending?

It's been about 3 months since we've returned to Minnesota. I've been busy working while Bill's been busy finding work. In addition to this big task, he also keeps busy updating the home and doing random chores/ errands. I don't know about you, but I usually don't get excited over painting, staining, sanding and cutting the grass. Even though these are on the "least desirable" list for Bill, he has been very diligent in painting cabinets, staining the deck, painting the kitchen (including trim) and coordinating the siding and windows.

I think his "fun list" has finally come to an end. Bill received an offer on a job today!! Let's just say we are both very excited. The job is a good fit with his background and experiences. During this time of job seaching, I've learned a lot about myself. I always tell myself that whatever the experience may be.. good or bad.. I need to learn something. Here is what I've learned:

-Don't try to help when your spouse just wants you to be a spouse and listen. I always want to put on my HR hat and offer recommendations, suggestions, solutions. Sometimes, I just need to be a friend and listen.
-You're in this together. Bill took a back seat with his career for me so I need to show more patience during this process - easier said than done!
-Wants v. Needs. I usually think of myself as a pretty down to earth kind of person, I don't own 50 pairs of shoes and a closet full of designer purses. However, during this process I realize that I have a lot more "wants" versus "needs". I remember teaching this to 1st graders during a JA volunteer opportunity once. The term "practice what you preach" really came into effect here.

We both sat down and talked about our learning lessons this weekend. Then, the offer came today.