Friday, October 23, 2009


Once again its that time of year,
Where Anne is full of Birthday cheer,
In search of presents her eyes will peer,
And she states "where did you hide them my dear",
In which I say "Oops, I forgot them I fear",
While I try to quickly escape from the rear,
Then she springs after me as fast as a deer,
Towards our second bedroom I turn and veer,
To smile and point out "your presents are here".

Love ya Anne - Happy Birthday (and sorry about the cheesy rhyme, but the second grader in me just has to some of the time.)


Anne said...

whoo hooo! It's birthday time !! :)

Mark said...

Happy Belated Birthday, Anne! Glad to see you had a great day. Allison. P.S. The MN "cherry blossoms" are gorgeous!