Thursday, November 19, 2009

Are you right handed?

Hello, Hello!

Long time no blog. Well, it's been kind of busy lately and I've been needing as much sleep as I can get - must be old age creeping in...

Anyhoo - I have to blog about a recent observation. A few weeks ago, I somehow injured my left wrist. Don't know how, but there was just a dull and sometimes sharp pain. It was not severe but a bit of a nuisance. I thought I had a very logical argument "I'm right-handed, how could I have injured my left hand? This will be pretty easy, I'll just leave my left hand alone and do everything with my right" HAHA Here is my challenge to all of you - try to not use your left hand for one day if you're right handed and vice versa.

If you can do it with ease - two thumbs up. For me, it was really difficult! I immediately realized that I use my left hand... A LOT. I will never second guess my left hand 'handiness' (Don't worry if you forgot to laugh on that one)


AmBurnshaw said...

Oh, I so laughed at that one! And, I KNOW, right? It's very hard to NOT use one whole hand for a day. I myself am ambidextrous (mostly), so not using a hand for a whole day would be killer.