Sunday, March 28, 2010


Hello blog readers!
Well, I'm not sure if anyone is reading the blog anymore - the blog counter was down for a while and we've been back in the US for 9 months, which means the postings have significantly slowed down from one every other day to one a month.

March is almost over, the snow has melted and the sun is up! I almost forgot what warm weather feels like. I just saw in the news that the cherry blossoms are in bloom in D.C. Ahhh, about this time last year, we were busy going to all the cherry blossom destinations in Tokyo, which meant eating lots of street food for me!

Not much has happened since the last posting. I went to Memphis and ate THE BEST fried chicken EVER at Gus's World Famous Fried Chicken. Kind of dingy, not in the greatest location but if that meant I could get the best fried chicken... bring it on. Funny thing is, I'm not even a big fan of chicken, let alone fried chicken, but this was pretty darn good.

Back in Minny, Bill and I went in search of good Mexican food at the Midtown Global Market. It's a cute concept and I hope they are doing well and bring in more additions. Specifically, Bill was craving horchata and the powdered mix was just not cutting it. We found some pretty good horchata along with delicious huraches.

Most important - today starts the week long festivities of Bill's birthday. It was this day, 31 years ago, when little William James was born. HAHA We've gotten in the groove of married life, Bill picked out and purchased his gifts two weeks ago. However, he's only been able to use one and I've wrappeed the others. Funny huh? Each day of the week, he'll get a 'surprise', a magnolia recipe birthday cake, some good eats and a visit from the magical birthday pumpkin.

Happy Birthday Bill!