Saturday, June 28, 2008

Pearl TV Tower / Shanghai Old Street

I finally arrived at the Pearl after 40 minutes of walking. Next time, I'm taking the subway. It was quite a sight, even on a cloudy day. After visiting the Pearl, I decided to take the Bund Tunnel over to Puxi. It was kind of cheesy. I would describe it as a huge optic lights show. Occasionally, there would be those "whacky inflatable arm guys", exactly like the ones mentioned on the Family Guy.

I reached the Bund on the other side and the view was great. I was able to see the Pearl TV tower from across the Huangpu River. The part that I loved the most is that right by the TV tower, there was the golden arches again. I've noticed that there are 4 big hitters here in regards to fast food: McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC and Haagen Daz. You'll find one everywhere you go. Pizza Hut, KFC and Haagen Daz are all sit down establishments, kind of like a Fridays in the States.

At the end of the Bund, I walked over to Old Shanghai Street. It was really interesting to see the old architecture in the middle of the city skyscrapers. The place was packed with small store fronts and mobbed with massive amounts of people.

The sights and smells were amazing, except for the occasional wiff of stinky tofu. Ah yes, fermented tofu fried and served on a stick. Somehow, I don't think this delicacy will ever make it to the Minnesota State Fair's food on a stick specialties.

Today I also saw dumplings, a common food favorite. Most dumplings are pork, veggie or shrimp. This lovely eatery served crad dumplings. I think they meant crab. If you read the last line here it says, "dumpling stuffed with the ovary and digestive glands of a crad". Yummy - my mouth is watering. Actually, I can have a few of these dumplings and wash it down with Starbucks, right next door.

After Old Shanghai, I walked up to Nanjing East Road. By now, I'm exhausted but I carry on. I walk this pedestrian only road until I reach People's Square. At this point, I had to call it a day and head down to the metro.
In the past 5 hours, I've learned:
*not to take flyers
*one stop on the metro is pretty far to walk
*crad dumplings are a big hit here
*when in doubt, walk 1 block for the nearest KFC


LM said...

oh yummy, crad!
keep up the writings, not only is it descriptive but quite enjoyable!
Love you