Friday, August 1, 2008


On Tuesday night, we had a kickoff event at work followed by dinner and karaoke with the leadership team. I knew I wasn't able to keep this a secret for long... I can't sing. I am so off key that when I hum the Oscar Mayer Bologne jingle, no one has a clue what it is. But as a team player, I was not going to let my lack of singing ability stop me from taking the stage.

I need to set the tone first. After work, we gathered in the company shuttle and went to the Big Thumb Plaza. No, it's not shaped like a thumb, nor is there a thumb anywhere. It's named the Big Thumb Plaza like a Mall of America. Clear as mud? We headed to the Karaoke place called Halodei. It's pronounced just like it's spelled, but they actually mean "holiday" - like singing all night is a holiday treat. Upon entering Halodei, there was a mini mart, buffet dinner and liquor store. Yes, this is all IN the karaoke place. Each party has their own room. Here I am, thinking that karaoke is going to be at a VFW-esque place. NOPE Our room could fit about 30 people comfortably. It had 3 mics, 4 lounge tables, a grand piano and granite floors and tables. This was the real deal. Immediately, everyone started entering their songs of choice. I sat on the side with Tamika, working on my ice cream cone.

Then, the singing started. I was shocked - EVERYONE was really good. They all took it very seriously and had great pitch and tone. I'm all about trying new things but this was not going to be good. Dancing Queen from ABBA came on and Iris waved me to go up and sing with her. Oh boy... here goes. When I got done, Tamika said, "You are tone deaf" HA! Before my next visit to Halodei, I'm renting the karaoke 5000 and practicing at home :) Then, I'll be signing up for the next Medtronic Idol.