Monday, August 11, 2008

Indian Hair Regeneration

During my stroll of the city this weekend, I walked past a store called, "Indian Hair Regeneration" Anytime I see hair and regeneration, I stop to listen. Yes, yes, I'm paranoid about hair loss. But Anne, you have a ton of hair! Well, yes and no. I do have a full head of hair but it's significantly thinner than it was 10 years ago. I wouldn't consider myself a vain person, I look forward to the aging process, but I just want to be sure that if I am going bald, I start looking at a good set of wigs.

Indian Hair Regeneration - I have to go in and see what they do. Upon entering, I was greeted by 4 ladies dressed in white nurse like uniforms, wearing the classic nurses hat. First, I ask what they do. We assess your scalp and hair follicles and see if we can stop or reverse hair loss. Great! So what makes it Indian? Nothing - it's just the name of our company. Oh.. sure, silly question.

I sit down and the assessment begins. They turn on this machine hooked onto a computer monitor. Then, they take a pen like instrument with a ball tip and put it on my scalp. All of a sudden, I saw my hair and scalp, magnified by 1000 times or so. She was talking as she moved the ball tip around... very healthy, good, good, hmm, good hair follicle.... etc. Then, I saw some water like liquid on my scalp, "oh my, what is that? Is it harmful?" She responded, "No, you're sweating" Okay, at this point, she must be thinking "we've got a genius on our hands".

At the end of the assessment I asked, "so did you find anything wrong?" She explains very seriously, in her nurse uniform, "Well, you have healthy hair and follicles, but your hair is very fine, which may lead you to think you're balding. Also, there are some areas with less hair, but it's not hair loss (I really wanted to ask what WAS hair loss, but I thought I would skip past the intelligent questions). The biggest problem I see with your situation is that it's all in your head." What? My scalp? "No, IN your head, psychologically" Ahh yes- I get it now.


Mark said...

When are you going to post about your husband arriving? I want to know his reaction to eating in the bathtub. Has the government been censoring your blog to make sure you don't criticize it?