Monday, August 25, 2008

The Dollah Has Arrived

Ok… well I actually arrived over a week ago, but it has been a busy week. My plane left Minneapolis at 3:05pm on Saturday August 16th and I landed in Shanghai, China at 9:00pm on Sunday August 17th. Sound like a long trip? It was actually not so bad. Thirteen hours of it was simply the time difference. It was a 12 hour flight from Minnesota to Tokyo featuring 3 meals, 1 snack, 3 movies, and a lot of down time. It is amazing how short a 3 hour flight can be after a 12 hour one. Like Anne I was also amused at that restrooms in Tokyo, well confused is more accurate. Guess how you use this (hint - it is not a urinal) …

Anyway, the airport in Shanghai looks very new and is quite large. The baggage claim carousel for my flight was about 3 times the size of the one in the Minneapolis airport. Clearing customs was very efficient. As I exited customs I saw Anne jumping up and down cheering for me. Cheering you say… well, that is what it felt like. See, there is a path lined with metal railing that almost has the feel of a race track. In order to leave the airport you need to navigate though it to get to the people waiting for you. There were several people lining the railing and waving and “cheering” for their family and friends too. It almost felt like I was finishing a marathon. Yeah! Go Dollah Go!