Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Bund

No, this isn’t a blog about what you put a hot dog or burger in. This is a popular area in Shanghai for locals and tourists. Basically it is a great picture place, though they do have restaurants, bars, boat rides, and bunch of other things to do. There are 2 Bunds which are separated by the Huangpu river. One is on the Puxi (downtown) side and the other is on the Pudong side. Both are always full of people, enjoying the view and selling foods and souvenirs. The Chinese really enjoy brightly lit buildings at night.


Mark said...

I am glad I don't have to read your blog out loud to a bunch of geography teachers...they'd laugh me out of the room. Seriously, Pudong, Pingpong, Bauhinia, McDonalds?

At least I have a fighting chance with these Latin based languages. I can see why you just call things what they look like (e.g. Bottle Opener building, Skateboard Mall, etc.)

Keep up the good stories!