Saturday, November 29, 2008

Times Square

Times Square is located on the Pudong side of Shanghai. It is an area full of malls filled with shops and restaurants. It is about a 20 minute walk from our apartment. I say walk because it is too short for most cab drivers to drive there and that leaves only our feet as transportation options. Trust me, I would not recommend biking here. As you can see from my pictures they made the area feel more like home for us by adding Christmas decorations. They don’t say happy holidays here so if you are not Christian you are out of luck. Truth to be told, the vast majority of China does not celebrate Christmas either. The decorations are just for us foreigners so we feel more at home and spend more money at their shops.

One of our local hangouts at Time Square is the Shanghai Bay. We originally called it the skateboard, because from a distance the roof looks like a very large skateboard. It is an indoor outdoor mall meaning that there are planned sections where there is no roof and other parts where a wall was removed. The roof is also elevated from the walls so there are some gaps between the two. The area was recently built and is lit up at night as well. It is home to several restaurants and shops.