Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving is not celebrated here so I woke up to a day of work, meetings, presentations and a work-related dinner event. I felt a little homesick today because I miss being with family, friends and eating turkey until I go into a food-induced coma. Bill was over at the other side of town today teaching English. We connected around 9:30pm and watched TV while eating desserts from Bakerzin. YUMMY.

Although we weren't able to celebrate Thanksgiving, we're looking forward to coming home for the holidays. To slowly adjust ourselves to December in Minnesota, we try to keep the thermostat low and incorporated some more cheese in our meals. Hopefully, this will do the trick.

While reading Mark's blog today, I realized that I've completely overlooked the purpose of Thanksgiving. Every year, I think of Thanksgiving as: a few days off work, stuffing my face, baking something yummy, taking a nap while everyone else watches football and shopping for the rest of the week. Reflecting back on the past year, I am thankful for a lot of things, both big (family, friends, good health and happiness) and small (fountain beverages, tacos, dryers, full size ovens and inside voices). When we're taken out of our element and comfort zone, all the little things that I take for granted gets noticed and missed.

As for the time being, Bill and I will probably hit up the City Diner, where I can order quesadillas, mash potatoes and eggs benedict - it's amazing and the food is awesome.


Anonymous said...

I think you forgot to mention another small thing you are thankful for; cheese dip!

Can't wait to see you!