Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy St. Paddy’s Day

Ever since I was a little boy I have loved celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. It maybe in large part due to having been born to a father who is ¾ Irish in decent, or posibbly since my birthday is in the end of March I use it as a prebirthday party warm up. Whatever the reason I always look forward to wearing green and enjoying in the merry making.

My evening started out with a class in Hakoniwa, long story short, the making of a sand/rock garden. The class was put on by our apartment which usually plans a couple activities for its residents every month. The first 20 minutes or so was basically a marketing opportunity for the artist teaching the class. The rest of the time was devoted to trying to teach us how to make our gardens. This turned out to be very entertain and comical for all involved.

After my class I met up with Anne and went to Paddy Foley’s Irish Pub in Roppongi. It is supposedly Tokyo’s oldest Irish pub and it certainly played the part. The pub was extremely busy. There was an Irish band, who sounded as though they had been celebrating much of the day. Almost ever person I saw had a pint of Guinness in hand and was trying to look and sound as Irish as
they could. I was very pleased to see so much excitement for this holiday in the middle of Tokyo, Japan.

Since the pub was way too packed to get anything to eat we stopped at our favorite burger restaurant in the area called Sasebo Burger. The burgers are obscenely good, better than most of the burgers we have had in the States and are relatively cheap by Japanese standards.