Monday, March 16, 2009

Our Visitors Say Goodbye

On Wednesday 3/4 we slept in. In the afternoon we went to Shibuya. Shibuya is a very crowded place and is popular with young adults. It is worth of its own blog entry, so I won’t spend much time on it now. Mike & Court found another 5 story video game store and after a mandatory game of something with drums and Rambo we continued our tour. Lunch was at Burger King. Apparently, our guests were starting to get a little homesick, that or they needed a greasy meal to recover from the previous late night. On our way back to the apartment we stopped at a 100 yen/grocery store. One hundred yen stores are like 1 dollar stores only, the 100 yen stores tend to have items of much better quality. It was at this time that the boys decided to purchase food to bring home. This mainly consisted of rice and Qōo (a tang like drink). Oh, by the way, this Qōo goes out to you Mike!

At this point the Mike, Court, & I headed back to the apartment and the women went to Ginza to pick up dinner. After last nights memorable meal we decided on having another Kobe beef event, and to save money we cooked it at home. Once again it did not disappoint. Most of us then enjoyed a beef induced coma, but determined not to miss anything on the trip of their young lives Court & Mike decided that they wanted to see a little more of the city. At 11:30pm we left the apartment to discover Shinjuku. Once again this is a busy area worthy of its own entry so I won’t go into detail now (yes, yes, I know I am slacking on my blogging duties, but I like to say I am pacing my readers). I will say that the portion of Shinjuku that we visited doesn’t come alive until after dark. After a memorable visit by the boys we headed home at 1:30am to catch some sleep before an early morning trip to the fish market.

We left the apartment at 5am to head to Tsukiji Market. Shanna (wisely) decided to stay home. I wrote about the market back in January if you didn’t get to see it. I think it is important to note that we were allowed to watch the tuna auctions this time. Tourists where banned the last time we were there for “bad behavior”. The ban was for a couple of months and ended 2 days after our last visit. After showing Mike & Court more seafood variations then will likely see in their life again, we ate at a sushi shop right next to the market. We ate tuna, fatty tuna, scallops, fish eggs, minced tuna, salmon, and squid (all very raw and as fresh as it comes). After breakfast we headed back to the apartment. Our guests then packed and caught the airport bus to speed them on their way back home.

Thanks for visiting Shanna, Mike, & Court!!!