Saturday, July 11, 2009

Foster Parents

Before your imagination gets too out of control after reading the title, we're fostering a dog. One of my friends, Hilary, works at an animal rescue shelter - She asked if I was interested in fostering a puppy before they're adopted. The puppy will come with food, leash, kennel, everything covered. How could I say no? I've always wanted a puppy but Bill told me I would have to pick up the poop. Yes blog readers... that was the hold up for the past 1.89 years... I did not want to pick up doody.

After perusing the website, there were tons of puppies that needed a foster home! Initially, I had my eyes on Koko. However, Bill and Hilary were way ahead of me in thinking (potty training, etc) We're now proud foster parents of Allison. Allison's a 15 month old Anatolian Shepard. At first, she was a bit shy, but she's warmed up. She loves to hang out in the kitchen under the table, but prefers the sun room or outdoors. She's super quiet, we haven't heard her bark yet and the best part of it all is that she's potty trained... really potty trained. She went through the entire night w/o going potty. NICE