Sunday, August 16, 2009


For the first two days of the Orange extravaganza, I made it out to NYC to see my trendsetter friend - Shanna (who I call SB, short for Shanna Banana). My 2.5 train ride to the city and back was well worth it. I arrived in Grand Central and realized how much I missed the city. The quick taxi ride across Central Park to the west side further re-affirmed that I wished I lived here.

Our first stop was shopping in SOHO. SB has been on my back about getting a pair of 'premium denim' for 8 months now. I finally sucked it up and after trying on 30+ pairs, made my first outrageously overpriced denim purchase. But they looked amazing. This is the first time I realized that if you pay enough, you too can look hot in a pair of jeans. A few stores later, we went back to the apt. and picked up a LARGE sausage and pepperoni pizza from Patsy's. A New York slice is unbeatable and just to keep reminding myself, I had more than one, two or three slices.

Evening festivities involved meeting up with some of SB's friends from work and volleyball and even had a drink or two myself. I love the diversity. In Minny, I'm usually the token Asian or token minority, but NYC felt right at home for me. If there was a transfer opportunity to NYC or CT, I would be on top of that!!!