Sunday, August 30, 2009

Steak, salad and Shrek

Beginning to see a pattern here? Last weekend, we went to see our friends Chad and Melissa. Melissa was one of my bridemaids and I haven't seen here since the wedding two years ago! In addition to seeing her little girl Niki, we also saw her new home and found out she is 8 months pregnant. I know, I know, terrible at this keeping in touch thing.

Steak, salad, and watching Shrek twice (Niki's favorite). I have to say, since we've been back our diet has turned from 70% veggy 30% protein to 80% red meat and 20% veggy. Bill even picked up some V8 because he felt that we needed more veggies and fruits in our diet.

We had a great time with Chad, Melissa, Niki and Chloe - I'm definitely not waiting another two years before we meet again :)