Monday, August 10, 2009

The Orange Extravaganza

Every year Anne and I try to make it out to Orange, Connecticut to visit some of her family. This year it turned out to be quite a party. Normally we visit the Camerato's - Anthony, Katrina, Johnny, and Kathy (Katrina & Anthony being Johnny and Kathy's kids). This year Mama Wu (Anne's mom), Mumei (Anne's cousin), and Andrew (Mumei's son) visited too. Fortunately the Camerato's have a big house so we were all able to fit. As always it was a LOT of fun and as always we are really sad to leave. We went to the beach in Rhode Island one day and to the Mystic Aquarium another and the rest was filled with video games, shopping, eating, movies, and entertainment provided by the Camerato's. The big addition to this years trip was all of the Chinese food that Mumei and Andrew brought (1 full suitcase). They made tons of bubble milk tea for us and lots of good eats.

Some of the highlights of the trip were...

Squid and scallops linguine (Thanks Johnny!)
Various Chinese cuisine (Thanks Mumei!)
Hearing Anne sing a funny tune from a video game throughout the trip
Having nightmares brought on by playing too much word warp (an iphone/itouch game requiring you to find all the words you can with 6 random letters)
Just being able to spend some time with family
Being in one room with 3 forms of videos games going on about half the time
All in all it was a great trip and one that we are planning again in 2010.