Monday, August 4, 2008

ABBA Round 2

At 4pm today, the girls came over to my desk, "pack it up, we're going to Karaoke to welcome the new HR employees". My immediate thought was, "what? It hasn't been a week yet, I haven't been practicing!!" We arrived at Thumb Plaza, went into the Halodei where the host greeted me and then said, "That girl speaks Chinese" Yes - to my surprise, many people here do not think I look Chinese.

Tonights rendition included: Yesterday once more (The Carpenters) Let it Be (Beatles) and by special request, I sang the chorus of the Medtronic Anthem. 9 out of 10 songs are all slow love or sad love, lost love songs. I noticed that everyone is very serious when they sing. Not me. I like to think that I'm on American Idol when I get up on stage.

Warming up on the bus (Karen Carpenter would be proud)

Afterwards, I stopped by Carrefoure (Western grocery store) and picked up 3 items: Butter, American Cheese and Bread. I have never been so excited to see Land o Lakes American Cheese, made in the US. Last time, they had Kraft singles, a blend of American and cottage cheese, made in Australia. Then, I laughed a little. When I go to the Asian grocery store, it's always ramen and veggies, not the healthiest, but better than Fat, Dairy and Carbs. Blog readers, I have to tell you - the grilled cheese was absolute heaven. Since it's been about a month since my last "western meal" (golden arches), a grilled cheese has never tasted so good!


Mark said...

It's ok Anne, we had McDonalds again (twice in a month). We probably would have eaten more if they weren't closed on Sundays. Alli wants you to sing the Medtronic anthem at the next LDRP get together (Laura would be proud).

So are you eating out for most of your meals, or are you just cooking ramen and veggies until your man shows up to cook for you?