Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Greetings Everyone! This is a blog from Chang-san. Work brings me to Tokyo this week and I just arrived yesterday. After listening to countless hours of earworms Japanese and reading the Japanese language map, I realized the same thing I did when I arrived in Tijuana - everyone speaks too quickly. Oh wait - they are speaking a normal pace, I'm just not at that level yet! I'm not sure why I thought 12 hours of earworms would make me conversant in Japanese. Luckily, most people here speak English. Since Berger-san seemed to have two recent lengthy blogs, I'll try to keep this one short. You know you're in Tokyo when:

1. Driving is on the right side. This also means pass on right and not left. Same thing goes for pedestrian walking. That was the first sign that I must be a tourist.
2. You start learning your numbers with Dora the Explorer on TV.
3. You use up all your bills and are left with 5 pounds of coins to use.
4. If you press the right button or panel, new spaces show up in your hotel room.
5. The air is clean, the roads are clean and even though there's (20 million?) people here, you don't feel crowded or congested.
6. Just because the restuarant's name is in English, doesn't mean the menu is in English. But it didn't stop me! I still ended up ordering a very nice meal :) I know, I know, nothing can come between me and food!!
