Monday, September 8, 2008

Shanghai Museum

Sorry folks I can’t think of anything clever to start this one out with so I am going to just jump right on in. Anne and I decided that we should check out the Shanghai Museum. It is located in the center of town which is called People’s Square. Anne’s coworker and friend, Hattie Fu, was so kind as to show us around. She told us that we should arrive early as the museum was just recently made free to the public. So we sauntered in at around 10:00am to find that the line was roughly the length of a football field. Since the line moved very slow we went to an Olympic Museum close by instead.

Attempt number 2
The following weekend we decided to give the Shanghai Museum another shot. We woke up earlier and took the subway to People’s Square. As a side note the subways have roughly 4-5 exits to the street on each stop depending on which roads you want to get on and on what side. The one we would normally exit from was closed for another half an hour so we had to make a detour. We exited the subway only to enter a park where there was a horde of people in their 70s or so. They were doing Tai Chi and playing badminton, but most of them were looking at hundreds of white pieces of paper all over the place. This would have normally resulting in us find out what was going on, but we raced though it wanting to avoid attempt number 3 to the Museum. We later found out that the papers were names or children and grandchildren. The swarms of people were the Grandparents trying to match make for their decedents. Anyways, we made it to the Museum and only needed to wait 30 minutes or so to get in. Note, if we would have sent 5 more minutes looking at the papers in the park we would have had to wait another 30 minutes in line. I guess the Chinese like free things too.

I thought the little blue mushroom sign was cute. Turns out it is a "No spitting sign"
As you can see... more of Ultimate Truth #1 (see previous blog entries for explanation).

My apologies to the Shanghai Museum, there is simply way too much to be seen, to be included in our blog.