Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Mid-Autumn Festival

That’s right. I already did a blog on the Mooncake Festival which is the same festival. I thought I could fool you, but you are too clever. Sorry to bore you with the same topic twice, but our apartment put on their own party and I thought I would share it with you. To start, they put up a small stage on a grassy area just outside our apartment. Note: this is part of the enclosed apartment complex. You will NOT find any grassy areas in Shanghai outside of their parks. They also put up a stand for free drinks and food. The fun started with 3 women in red playing some pretty Chinese music. They were followed by a mask changing performance. Basically a person dancing around and very cleverly changing from about 20+ masks. Afterward the Asian version of Kenny J took the stage.

Upon reviewing this picture with the house cleaners they stated that he was a lowwai (The Chinese word for foreigners). If you grew up in the 80s or remember the movie Gremlins you might note that it sounds similar to mogwai (the creature named Gizmo). Looking in the mirror I have started to notice a weird similarity. Apparently if you feed a lowwai after midnight he starts to turns into a mogwai.

Anyway, back to the Festival. After Kenny J came the Chinese version of a clown. I can finally see why children often have nightmares from clowns. This guy laughed a lot and has one of the scariest laughs I have ever heard.

Following the clown they brought in 3 women in purple tights to do yoga. At this point I will mention the angle of the pictures. Due to the large number of people attending the performances I was only able to take pictures from the far left side. As a result most of my attempts to catch the women doing yoga by picture were cause for Anne to mock me for taking pictures of women bending over. Needless to say I will not include any of them here. Then they brought out a man to do yoga… but his flexibility still haunts my dreams so we will move on.

Next they brought out a group of girls ranging from 12 to 19 years old (Anne and my guess as to their age). They had been watching with boredom at the yoga folks and I can now see why. It was unbelievable… The human body should not move in such ways. It hurt just watching them.
And finally I give you fireworks… Here is one thing to note when seeing fireworks in China. They will calmly announce for you to move back a little so they can begin. They will then shot fireworks off 20 feet in front of you. When you feel the wadding from fireworks hit you, you know you are too close. As they go they will enjoy using larger fireworks so they can keep hitting you with wadding each time you feel safe. You might ask why you just don’t move way back… Well to remind you, you are in a gated apartment – you can only move so far back before you hit a wall.