Thursday, October 16, 2008

Beijing Day 6 – 10/1

Today was the day we were told would, started the largest increase in Chinese tourists for their National holiday. Having been aware of this up front we had made plans to see the Fragrant Hills Park and Beijing Botanical Gardens. These being still very touristy, but not even close to the cultural wonders or Olympic Center. What we didn’t plan for was the traffic. The hotel said it would take over 2 hours to get there (mind you it is still in the city of Beijing) and after we get there we might not be able to get back. So we decided to do the next days events a day early.

We stared out the 2 block walk to the subway on our way to the Beijing Zoo and Aquarium. At the subway we got a glimpse of how the rest of the day would go. The 3 self service subway ticket machines were out of tickets and cash. Oh, by the way it was only 10am. There was only 1 person working at the ticket both and 50 people crowding around it (remember the boats from day 5, but with people). Getting on the subway was just as packed (being crushed – literally – from 4 directions at once). After we got off, we walked a couple blocks to the Zoo. It is at this point I wanted to inform you of an old Chinese saying – directly translated it is “People Mountain, People Sea”. Its meaning is this – imagine you are in an elevator that fits 5 people, but there are 15 people in it. Now imagine you are in a very large area, like an airport or amusement park, but the entire area is as cramped as the elevator was.

At the Zoo and Aquarium we watched a dolphin and seal show. Anne compared it (as she does all aquariums) to Sea World and as always, was disappointed. The show was so packed full of people if there was a fire 95% would have died. We then went to see the pandas - China’s national animal. At this point it was really beyond words. People were doing anything they could to get a view of the Pandas. On a whole we were at the Zoo and Aquarium for 5 hours. In that time we saw 6 types of animals and the 30 minute dolphin show. We spent that maybe 1 hour total watching animals and 4 navigating through the crowds.

On the way back to the subway we stopped at a Baskin-Robbins for an American treat. We ordered the peanut butter and brownie sundae. When we got it we though they gave us the wrong one as it had almond shavings, pineapple and small quasi brownie chunks. When Anne asked them they said (using an explaining voice one would use to a child) the almond shavings was the peanut butter and pineapple was included on all of their sundaes. Huh, silly us for not knowing.

We had to wait 30 minutes just waiting in line to get back on the subway. On the way home they closed off 3 subways stops by Tiananmen Square due to it being too busy. So we decided to eat some Beijing Roast Duck. The place we went to was very busy. It had 4 floors and 2 wings. Each floor had over 100 tables – most of them fitting 10 people. You grabbed a number and they read them off via megaphone. Oh, folks in case the night market yesterday was not gross enough for you, I added duck brains and tongue to my list of consumed cuisines.