Friday, October 24, 2008

Oriental Pearl TV Tower

On 10/16 we went to one of the most distinguishable buildings in Shanghai’s skyline, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower. It is currently the 3 largest TV tower in the world at 468 m (1,535 feet) high. As a size comparison the Empire State Building in New York’s full height reaches 443m (1453 feet). The TV Tower is said to resemble 2 Chinese dragons frolicking with the pearls, but I will let you be the judge of that.

The building has a museum and several stores on the ground floor. The largest “pearl”, or circular section, has a coffee shop, roller coaster, an outside observation deck, and various other gimmicks. The second largest pearl has a rotating restaurant that offers a buffet style meal with a great view (they use candle lighting at night to ensure you get the best view). The highest and third largest pearl only has room for an observation deck. The last little treat (for those of you not to frightened of heights – so, mom stop reading or cover your ears) they have a glass elevator on the way down, so you can enjoy watching your decent.

This last picture is of Yu Garden at night. If you forgot what Yu Garden is and/or haven't made it that far in the blog yet, it is the entry right below this one. As you can see from the pictures, Shanghai can be very colorful and pretty at night.