Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yu Garden

Beijing, as you can see from the previous entries, has a lot cultural sites. Shanghai on the other had is known as the heart of business in China and as a result has very few cultural areas. The Yu Garden is one of Shanghai’s most notable cultural places. Located a little west of the Puxi Bund (the area around the west side of the Huangpu river running through Shanghai) it is your destination for ancient architecture and hordes of tourist shops. To lazy to look for a couple western staples, don’t worry this is also the place were you are bound to have someone walk up to you and ask every second block if you want a “watch”, “DBD” (yes it is DVD, but it sounds more like DBD for the hackers), “bag” (purse), or “shirt”. Funny enough, that is usually the extent that they can speak English. There are also a number of restaurants and food vendors. Oh, and if you are walking around and it starts to smell like you stepped in dog poo, don’t worry that just means you are getting close to the stinky tofu stands (fermented tofu which is deep fried). Yes, I have eaten it on multiple occasions, but I can’t find any pictures of it.

As an incentive (thanks for the idea Mark – another Medtronic made fellow man of leisure like myself in Switzerland – with a much better blog!) if you come to visit us we will immortalize you on our blog for the world to see. Visitor number #1 Anne’s mother. She stayed with us for 2 weeks along with her friend Coconut from Taipei (her name isn’t actually Coconut, but that is what Anne calls her because her name – in Chinese – is one tone away from being the word coconut).
To our surprise we also learned that it is here that Falkor the luck dragon, from The NeverEnding Story (a movie in the 80's), decided to retire. He was nice enough to pose with us for a couple of pictures.