Saturday, December 6, 2008

Bye Bye Shanghai

I am writing what is likely my last blog entry in China. We still have another week in Shanghai, but the movers are coming to pick up my computer on Monday so my access to the internet will be very limited until our shipment arrives in Japan in January.

As I am packing up our things I am starting to feel a little sad. I will miss it here. I love the view from our apartment at night as well as the night views the rest of the city has to offer. I will miss our apartment, the food, and my very cheap bubble milk tea. I will miss the exercise, but I am sure not for long. On average I walk about 1 hour a day. Not for fun, mind you, for transportation to subways, class, restaurants, etc. I will miss the amazing history that China has to offer. But, most of all I will miss the pleasure I had to spend a couple of months just living here.

Goodbye Shanghai!