Thursday, December 4, 2008

Super Brand Mall

Located in the Lujiazui area (good luck pronouncing that one Mark) the Super Brand Mall is one of our regular hangouts. It is across the street from the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and also across the street from the Pudong Bund. This mall is huge. It has 7 shopping floors and I think the eighth floor is the movie theater and ice skating rink (yep, you don’t need glasses, I did write ice skating rink). There are tons of shops and restaurants. Watami is one of them (see the blog below). There is even a large grocery store on the second basement level. They have the best chicken leg/thigh there. I say leg/thigh because unlike the US where you can only buy the leg, you get the thigh part here too. It is almost big enough to make a full meal out of. It is cheap and they come preseasoned (spicy) and precooked.

They just opened up a Best Buy in the mall this week. They have been working on it before Anne arrived in Shanghai. We thought we would miss the opening. Sorry movie and music lovers… Best Buy does not sell those items in Shanghai. They also set up a Santa’s Village in the mall for us foreigners.

If you even plan to visit this mall be mindful of these five things. One, there are always LOTS of people there. Think of a busy mall and triple the people and cut the size of the mall by two thirds or think of your worst black Friday. Second, they only open 4 of the 12 doors to let you in so you will always get bottle necked as you enter or leave the mall. Third, the escalators go up 1 floor at a time up until the top, but most of the trip you can look straight down to the 2nd basement floor. So if you are afraid of heights… don’t look down. Fourth, mall goers often enjoy stopping in the most inconvenient places. Like right at the top or bottom of the escalators, so you have to squish them to get on or off. And the final tip is true for most of the groceries stores we have been to in China. Bring a bag with you or pay for you bag at the check out. Bags are not for free here.