Friday, June 19, 2009

Bill For Hire!

Well we have been back in the States for a couple weeks now. We went to a high school graduation party, a Berger (that's my last name) welcome home party, shopped for furniture and clothes, donated a bunch of items to a couple different places, done some various home improvements, realized we don't have room for most of the stuff we brought home, and we saw 2 movies in the theaters. Anne has started her new position (she actually went back to work the day after we landed in Minneapolis - isn't she amazing!) and I have been trying to adjust back to life as normal.

I am very happy that Anne was able to find a position at Medtronic before we got home, but now it is my turn. I am currently looking for work and doing a bunch of random house hold items as assigned by Anne. We had seen on TV in China and Japan that the economy has taken a beating since we left and it has made finding work difficult, even more so when my work history is in finance/banking which apparently took most of the hits (well, minus the automotive industry). This is also the reason the blog has been a little slow lately, I been busy looking for work and doing odd jobs, but I promise as soon as I am employed, we will have more time to get into more adventures (how is that for an incentive to get me employeed).

So keep your fingers crossed for me, even if it is just to minimize the amount of random home improvement and various other tasks Anne gives me :)


Anne said...

Boo - tell Anne to stop the "honeydew" list