Sunday, June 14, 2009

A little bit of Kyoto at home

Who knew that we had a little bit of Kyoto right here in our own home? Well, we do. If you're a diligent blog follower, you would remember Bill's blog on "nightingale floors" To sum it up in one sentence, the Japanese Emperor built floors that would "chirp" like the nightingale birds to indicate that intruders have entered their rooms.

Well, coming back to the Compound, we realized that we also have nightingale floors. That's right - we do.. and we didn't even build them into the home. It turns out that after you have hardwood floors in a home for about 50 some years, they too start 'chirping'. Not only can I hear intruders or just Bill walking around, there's also extra loud chirping in front of the refridgerator door. Nice. It's like having a built in weight watchers alarm or something.