Thursday, June 11, 2009

We're Here

It's true we're back. We survived our time travel and safely arrived in Minneapolis. We did lose a little of our sanity on the trip (we always get stuck near a infant who thinks crying for several hours is a good way to pass the time). I can tell you there is nothing more comforting than landing at home, being picked up by a friend, traveling to your house and seeing that it is not vandalized, burnt down, or otherwise destroyed. It was nice to see that our car was also still working. Shortly after arriving home my parents took us out to dinner and then we reacquainted ourselves with our home, which we affectionately called the Compound (you will have to ask Anne why, I have long forgotten).

One might ask what is the first thing you do once you get home from a really long trip. This depends on who you are. If you are me, you sit down and relax in front of a TV (and enjoy the fact that it is in English). If you are Anne you clean everything in your house. I don't really know where her cleaning need came from, but she has had it since long before I met her.

Anyways, it is good to be home. Unfortunately we have done so much moving/traveling that we still feel like this is just a temporary stop and that we have to move again in 3 weeks to start a new life in another Asian country. I imagine this feeling will fade with time, but in the mean time we just have to keep pinching ourselves and remember that we are home for good.