Tuesday, May 19, 2009


This is the Anime, gaming, and electronics headquarters of Tokyo. Whether you are looking for a TV or a cellphone, a computer or a rice cooker, electronic cables or miscellaneous supplies to make your own electronic device this is your destination. There are tons of stores selling everything and anything electronic. Every time I go there I see tons of electronic devices (or features) that I have never seen before. As far as Anime (Japanese animation, cartoons, comics, etc) this place is loaded. They have several stores selling figurines (including auctions or rare ones), they have huge selections of movies, hold enormous Anime Fairs, and are in the process of making the world’s largest Anime museum. They even have coffee shops where you can drink coffee and play board games (like LIFE & Monopoly) with women dressed up as animated characters. More to my liking is the area’s focus on video games. There are several buildings filled with arcades. Many of these buildings are several stories tall with each floor having a different genre of arcade games. This place is always busy and considering Japan’s appetite for these types of things it is only going to get bigger.