Thursday, May 28, 2009

A & B's Top Ten

When in Tokyo, here are 10 phrases you need to learn to get by:

1. Ohayo Gozaimasu - Good Morning

2. Konnichiwa - Good Afternoon

3. Konbanwa - Good Evening

4. Moshi Moshi - Hello (on the phone)

5. ____ wa doko desu ka? Where is the _______

6. Wakarimasen - I don't understand

7. Eigo o hanashimasu ka? Do you speak English?

8. Hai - yes Iie - no

9. Itadakimasu - Saying before you start your meal

10. Sumimasen - Excuse me / sorry

Bonus phrase: Ebi wa dame desu - I cannot eat / allergic to shrimp

If all else fails, pointing and hand gestures has been a big help. I am amazed how much can be communicated in so few words. My best example - going to the butcher and getting three cuts of steak at 200 grams each, packed in dry ice so I can shop later.