Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Whenever I was in the US and I saw on TV a story or movie about Tokyo, they would always show a street intersection being swarmed by people. Shibuya is home to that intersection. This place has the busiest intersection I have ever seen. Once the green walk light comes on anywhere from 200 – to a couple thousand people make their way across each time! It is really really busy. On rainy days I wouldn’t be surprised if the intersected stayed relatively dry due to the sea of umbrellas that constantly cover it. This area is also home to most of the teenage and early twenties crowd. It is known as the fashion center of Japan (for this age group) and is a major night life area.

This area is also home to the statue of Hachikō (in Hachikō Square). He was a dog that apparently waited at Shibuya station every day for 12 years waiting for its master to come home. If you recall from previous entries he is the dog Mama Wu took a picture with.