Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Imperial Palace

On May 10th, the Sunday just after our trip to Phuket, Anne and I went to the Imperial Place. It is located about a 30 minute walk or 3 subway stops away from our apartment. It is home to the Emperor of Japan. The Imperial Palace is surrounded by roughly 1 1/2 square miles of parks which happened to have a lot of walkers, runners, bikers, and picnickers enjoying the day.

Whenever I am near the Imperial Palace I almost always think of a comical mistake that many foreigners make when traveling near here to see the governmental buildings. That mistake focuses on the National Diet Building. When first arriving in Tokyo and hearing about the Diet in situations like... "He works for the Diet", or "A decision by the Diet", or "the Diet is located near there" I started to think, wow these people take dieting a little to extreme for me. I kept imaging an agency that monitored and enforced dietary behaviors. As it turns out the Diet is what their congress is called here and has nothing to do with eating (or lack there of). Though out of fear that this is just some trick to get me near the building so they can put some kind of food tracking device on me I have made it a point to stay away from this building (mostly just out of sympathy for the poor employee that would have to record all of my meals).