Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Proud Moment

A few weeks ago, I experienced a proud moment. What is it, you ask? I saved someone drowning at the pool? Nope. Leaped into oncoming traffic to catch a toddler from crossing the street? Nope. Give up? Okay. I was walking home from work one day when someone waiting at the light asked me for directions! I know what you're thinking, "Ha, ha... that's your proud moment?" Well - it was, for a few reasons:

1.) I must have looked like a local for her to approach me and ask for directions
2.) I understood what she was asking me.
3.) I knew where she needed to go and how to get there.
4.) I was able to explain to her in Japenglish (my new coined term) how to get there.
5.) She understood me!

It was a moment when I felt - "wow, I'm a local now!" That was followed by "wait a minute, I still can't read this billboard" HAHAHA But.. .I'm one step closer :)