Sunday, July 20, 2008

All Aboard

On Tuesday night, I went with our HR group to a celebration dinner at Las Tapas. True to form, they had great tapas. Afterwards, we headed out to the train station for Huangshan for a development workshop. The train ride is 12 hours (no express) and I heard it will be quite an 'experience'. I'm all about a truly unique experience and I certainly accomplished this. The waiting area was a little.. unclean. My ticket indicated that I was on the lower section. It can't be that bad if it's three sections! Besides, I'll be with my peers, no worries.

I headed up to segment 6, row 4, lower section. Indeed it was a lower section. It was like a 3 tier bunk and I was on the lower bunk. The sheets looked pretty clean and there was A/C. No complaints. Well, the conductor got on and stated the following: Keep EVERYTHING with you at ALL times. Do not EVER LEAVE your belongings unattended. I decided not to go to bed but it was 10pm and I was really tired! Oh well. Gripping onto my purse like it had the winning lottery ticket, I laid in my bunk and listened to the old lady next to me cough up a lung. I will spare everyone the details on the restroom. I still get the goosebumps thinking about it. Well, needless to say, I was more than excited when we arrived. Right as we got off, they released the restroom fluids. I can say that I've experienced the ultimate train ride, one that I may not want to repeat again.