Saturday, July 12, 2008

He works hard for his money

On Thursday, I moved into my apartment. We did a quick walk-through in the morning, make sure everything is in working order and I was off to work. Upon arriving home, I cranked the A/C. The controls were pretty straightforward: + / - , "set", and low/med/high. An hour goes by and this place has not cooled down one bit. I called downstairs and the engineer came up. He immediately detects the problem - there is a main control in the kitchen and after a complex code entered, it will recognize the room temperature and kick in. After it kicks in he tells me, "Never turn it off! If you're cold, just turn it to low and turn up the temp" Trust me, the A/C will not be "off" anytime soon. Then he proceeds to show me how to turn the water heater controls on in the bathroom, which was very helpful since it was all in Chinese.

It's Saturday today and the temperature is 90 degrees, feels like 104, according to Indeed it did. I went out, picked up some groceries and came back. The afternoon was met with severe lightening and thunderstorms. Outside my living room window, I can see construction on building 5 (odd since I live in building 6 and buildings 1,2,3,6,7,8 are up). With the severe weather I assumed that work would cease. First mistake - making this assumption. As I watched the rain come down, I see the construction workers still working with no cover!

Here's the picture
close up


Mark said...

Nice blog...your apartment looks awesome. I'll hope we can get into one that is somewhat nicer in the next few days, but for now I can envy you from 9000 km away (you must use the metric system now, I can't even remember how much a normal steak weighs in the US, everything here is grams, km, etc.)

We haven't eaten McD's here yet, we did go into one for the bathroom (much cleaner than others). Their menu however was very small, maybe 10-15 items total. I seem to think our McD's has like 30+. Anyway, keep up the good work, and stay cool (it's 20 C here, I think it's like 31 C where you are...)