Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Warm Welcome

This weekend was hotter than ever! Even the locals said it was very hot. How hot you ask? One sign indicated it was 41 degrees celsius. I don't know about you, but I'm still doing the ol' covert to Fahrenheit deal - 105.8. Hot enough for you? No? Well, let's add in a few other factors:

*Humidity of 75-80%
*UV index of 10
*Sardine packed metro's
*People who eat mystery food on the metro that smells worse than sardines
*People who do not believe in deoderant, standing next to you and holding on to the hand rails that they can barely reach while eating mystery food with their other hand (great at multi-tasking)

I think China definitely rolled out the red carpet and gave me a warm welcome :) No complaints though - I get A/C at home and work. I've heard that some offices don't turn on the A/C unless they really need to. I would like to know the definition of really need.

My times spent outside is often filled with thoughts of how to stay cool. Here are a few options:
*Ice Paks - the ones that you use when you sprain your ankle, except it wraps around you like a mummy
*Wearing a little fan around my neck
*Wearing one of those hats that hold drinks cans - one on each side of your head. Football fans and infomercial watchers, you know what I'm talking about
*Bottling the MN winter and releasing it around me

Please feel free to send me your ideas. Or, if you design the mummy ice pack, I will pay the FedEx charges.