Sunday, July 20, 2008

It's just money

Well, it was bound to happen sometime. I lost my wallet today. Between the taxi and the lunch place, I seem to have lost it but I'm pretty sure I was pick pocketed. It was just my building card, copies of my passport and some cash. I was really mad at myself for letting it happen. Thank goodness I was with Tamika. Did I tell you about Tamika? She's also here on a one year assignment but in IT. Well, we still continued to go to the grocery store as planned. If I was by myself, I would've probably stewed about it for days - just disappointed in how I could let it happen. For those of you that know me, I'm super organized and this is just not me! Oh well. I cancelled my credit cards and I'll get a new building card tomorrow. Good thing I didn't have my important documents with. I also put my door key in a separate 'coin purse' so at least I'm able to get back in the apartment. Ugh - not happy about it but it was great to have Tamika around, she just took my mind off of it and we laughed the day away as we tried to figure out "what's in that package of ramen" by looking at the picture..."looks like beef flavor, or is it pork? Well, this is definitely chicken b/c it's yellow..."