Friday, July 4, 2008

Golden Arches - Home Sweet Home

OK - so this is another food post. Every night, when I go to bed, I see the golden arches. Well, I had to get some today. I went in and ordered the double cheeseburger value meal. In addition to the standard Big Mac, Fries and Milkshakes, there's also - the "mystery" burger (I think it's tofu of some sort), burger with an egg on top, spicy chicken wings and an assortment of pies - Pineapple, Coconut and Sweet Taro, no Apple. Don't want fries (unheard of!), no problem. You can substitute corn niblets.

Of course, I had to get the sweet taro pie. What is Taro? It's like a sweet potato but it's purple.
Mmm - delicious.

As most of you have heard me mention before coming to Shanghai - McDonalds delivers.
Yes, you're reading this correctly. Most of the golden arches are open 24 hours and will deliver to your door. Don't worry, I actually expended a calorie or two b/c I went to pick mine up. It was really funny, there were 4 delivery drivers by the counter, dressed in their red uniforms. They hop on a moped and wiz through traffic to bring you your #1 super sized with a diet coke. In addition, if you ask them to pick up some beer or cigarettes, they will do that too! They do not guarantee that your fries will stay hot and fresh but I think that's asking a bit much. You do need a minimum order of 50rmb (about $7) which isn't too hard.

In case I forget the number, it's conveniently located on the bag. There's also a website: And in case you were wondering, I do not have them on speed dial. I still need to figure out how to do that on my new asian mobile :)
Happy 4th!