Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don Giovanni

As I mentioned in previous blogs our apartment provides its residents with a variety of events each month. This month we were lucky enough to win a lottery for free tickets to a dress rehearsal of the opera Don Giovanni at the Suntory Hall on 4/03. The Suntory Hall is the first building of its kind to be created solely for music presentations (at least according to wikipedia). Don Giovanni is an opera dating back to 1787 with music provided by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. In the past we have enjoyed plays and musicals, but we hadn’t yet had the opportunity to see an opera. An hour and a half into the 4 hour program we decided that opera was not our cup of tea. It is possible that since the music was song in Italian and the teleprompter subtitles were in Japanese that it lost its appeal because we couldn’t follow the words. It is also possible that the plot of a dreamy guy who sweeps all women off their feet didn’t really appeal to us either. Whatever the reason, we left the opera during the intermission and in an attempt to save face for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s work we ate dinner at a Wolfgang Puck restaurant near by.